Types of cryptography What are the most common types of cryptography for communications privacy?

29 March 2023
tipos de criptografía
Marta López
Marta López

Head of Marketing and Communication

We all have an obligation to protect our data when we are surfing the web, but do we know how to do it? There are many ways to protecting information when surfing the Internet or the data we send to other people. This is precisely what cryptography is all about. We will now take a look at the different types of cryptography that exist. Don't miss it!

What is cryptography?

The origin of this term comes from the Greek Kryptos -which means hidden, and graphia, which refers to writing. We therefore speak of "hidden writing". Cryptography was born out of the need to send and receive messages without the content being readable without the corresponding key. 

The types of cryptography used help to ensure that the information transmitted in the message is kept secure. 

In reality, cryptography can be said to be both a science and an art, in which the following are written messages encrypted by a code or keywhich can be of different natures. Thus, with cryptography, all kinds of commercial transactions and communications can nowadays be carried out securely. 

Without it being implemented, it would not be possible to send messages via instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp. And habits such as checking one's bank account in online banking would be very dangerous for the user. This is why cryptography is an indispensable part of our lives today.

What are cryptographic techniques?

Encryption was originally invented in order to be able to preserving security that existed in the transmissions that were made in military-to-military messages. Nowadays, the application is more widespread, especially in all the cyber security issues and to the cyber security and IT... 

What cryptographic types do is to transform a message that is in text into a cipher. This is achieved by a cipher operation, which prevents others from learning the contents of the particular message. 

The encryption uses a algorithm related to another variableThe encryption of a text or information makes the text or information incomprehensible to those who may not have such a key or variable. For all these reasons, cryptographic techniques are responsible for the encryption of the content. 

The rules and types of cryptography for the preservation of computer security

Cryptographic techniques can provide organisations with optimal IT security. There are several different types of cryptography, such as the following:

Asymmetric cryptography

This technique uses two different keys for the encryption and decryption of a text. Normally, the private key is used to program the message and the public key is used to decrypt it.

Symmetric cryptography

This technique uses the same key for both encryption and decryption of a message. This key is securely shared with the interlocutors before any communication is initiated.

Hash cryptography

This technique generates a single value that symbolises a text or a set of data. These are unique keys that are generated with an algorithm. These keys cannot be decrypted, but are used to validate the integrity of files and messages.

Obfuscation cryptography

This technique is simpler than the previous one, as it involves hiding the text without generating a key. This is achieved by changing the original language of the message to make it incomprehensible. This technique does not prevent attacks, but rather delays them, but can be useful in some contexts.

The advantages and disadvantages of each cryptographic method

Now that we have learned about the different types of encryption, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of the two main types, symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.

Firstly, symmetric cryptography is faster at decrypting messages. This makes it suitable for applications that have a high data traffic and need high security. For example, the streaming of content. The disadvantage, however, is that it requires a secret key shared by all users.

As for asymmetric cryptography, it offers higher security, as it requires two different keys to encrypt and decrypt the message. The disadvantage is its speedIt takes a long time to encrypt the data. This technique is recommended for applications where privacy is a key factor.

Do you want to master cryptography and other cybersecurity techniques?

In recent years, with the global use of the Internet, security has become an important issue for both users and businesses. There has been a huge increase in cyber-attacks, which has resulted in the security is becoming more and more relevant and solutions are sought to protect users' data. 

That's why more and more companies are looking to cybersecurity professionals to join their staff. If you are looking for a career change, at IMMUNE Technology Institute we have a comprehensive academic programme, which encompasses within this field, a Master's Degree in Cybersecurity Online or a Cybersecurity Bootcamp with which you can train in this exciting discipline.

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