Develop your tech career

Training programs in Cloud Computing, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, UX/UI Design, and Web Development.

AWS, Azure y Google Cloud: Cómo certificarte en multicloud y dominar DevOps

Comienza desde cero en Cloud & DevOps y aprende los servicios clave de las 3 nubes más grandes y principales de la industria: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services y Google Cloud.

Seminario informativo
12 febrero
18:30 (CET)
Inscríbete en el evento
Rodrigo Moro
Rodrigo Moro

Master's in Cloud Architecture & Devops Management Director | Tech. Arch. Delivery Manager

Retos del CISO: Enfrentando el contexto actual

Durante esta sesión exploraremos los desafíos más críticos que enfrentan los Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) en un entorno cada vez más complejo y cambiante. Desde las amenazas emergentes hasta la adaptación a regulaciones globales y las expectativas de las juntas directivas, el profesor y experto en el área Carlos Leonardo, compartirá estrategias, experiencias y soluciones prácticas en organizaciones de todos los sectores.

Taller de cyber
13 febrero
18:30h. (CET)
Inscríbete en el evento
Carlos Leonardo
Carlos Leonardo

National CSIRT Director of the Dominican Republic

Open Day Másters

¿Te apasiona la tecnología y buscas dar un salto en tu carrera? No te pierdas nuestro Open Day Masters. Este evento es tu oportunidad para descubrir los programas de máster más innovadores en áreas como Cloud Computing, Data Science & Business Analytics y Ciberseguridad. Conoce a expertos de la industria, resuelve tus dudas y entérate de cómo estos programas pueden impulsar tu futuro profesional.

18 febrero
18:30h. (CET)
Inscríbete en el evento

De los Datos al Insight: Visualizaciones Efectivas

Aquí el objetivo sería mostrar cómo transformar datos en gráficos claros y atractivos y soluciones más avanzadas para interactividad con PBI.

Taller de data
22 febrero
16:00h. (CET)
Inscríbete en el evento
Javier Castellar
Javier Castellar


Academic offering

See all programs
Bachelor’s Degrees
Advanced Masters
Online Masters
Advanced Programs

Academic partners

We have the collaboration of various leading companies in the sector for each area:

Cloud Computing: AWS


Cybersecurity Santander


Programming & Web: HP SCDS


Blockchain: Alastria

PUECiscoMicrosoft AzureCompTIAGoogle Cloud
Technology partners


Do you have a cybersecurity-related project that you would like to develop? Have you identified a cybersecurity need? Do you need funding to launch your company? IMMUNE, in collaboration with INCIBE, is developing the CYBERTALENT program, a three-year plan to promote cybersecurity entrepreneurship in Spain.

Find out more
Seedbed Incubator
Business Accelerator
Phase 1: Recruitment / Ideation
Get ready through our events
Phase 2: Seedbed Incubator
Develop your idea and get it up and running
Phase 3: Acceleration
Grow your business with the support of Incibe
Financiado por la Unión Europea NextGenerationEUGobierno de EspañaPlan de Recuperación, Transformación y ResilienciaIncibeIncibeIMMUNE Technology Institute

We rub shoulders with the best

María Riesco

Maria Riesco

Master's in Cybersecurity Director | Head of Spanish National Police Cybersecurity Group

Rodrigo Moro

Rodrigo Moro

Master's in Cloud Architecture & Devops Management Director | Tech. Arch. Delivery Manager

Ángel Galán

Ángel Galán

Data Science & AI Area Director | Cloud Data Analytics Director

Carlos Carús

Carlos Carús

Cloud Computing Area Director | Head of Technology

Raúl Marín

Raúl Marín

UX/UI Design Area Director

Unai Obieta

Unai Obieta

CIO & CDO | Technology & Digital Transformation Director

Javier G. Recuenco

Javier G. Recuenco

Director of the Complex Problem Solving in Technology Course | CEO & Founder

Miguel Rego

Miguel Rego

Cybersecurity Area Director | President of AI Cluster, General Manager | CEO

David Ollé

David Ollé

Master's in Cloud Computing Director | AWS Cloud Architect

Luis Palacios

Luis Palacios

Web Full Stack Developer Program Director | Founder

Víctor Deutsch

Victor Deutsch

Programming Area Director : CEB Director

Olga Muñoz Ramos

Olga Muñoz Ramos

Lead teacher


A learning ecosystem where ideas become real projects

With IDEIA, we design customized learning paths tailored to your experience and goals. This ensures efficient progress, focused on what you truly need.

Nuestros learning paths te guían desde el nivel básico hasta convertirte en experto en tu área de interés. Son itinerarios estructurados y flexibles, ajustados a tu ritmo, para que alcances tu máximo potencial personal y profesional.

Learning paths

This is what our students say


Companies that have trained with us

At IMMUNE, we are convinced that teamwork makes the difference. We partner with incredible companies to drive innovation in technology and create solutions that impact people's professional lives.

GoogleAWSAccentureDeloitteIBMHPTelefónicaIndraEndesaSantanderBizumVodafoneCiscoCepsaSanitasRepsolMapfreEnelGrant ThorntonAenaEleven PathsSAPFacebook

An innovative and vibrant Tech Hub

We are not conventional and our campus even less so.
Designed to replicate an ecosystem of startups and tech companies, we have created a Silicon Valley oasis in the heart of Madrid. Come and check it out.

Visit the campus
Paseo de la Castellana, 89
Co-working spaces
Meeting rooms
Rest areas
Digital classrooms
Recording studio
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