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Cybersecurity Fundamental Concepts

Continuous Availability
5 Weeks (64h)
No timetable | 2h/day recommended

This course teaches students the basics of cybersecurity, from understanding risks and threats to developing practical skills to protect against cyber-attacks. | 10% discount for payment in full

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Why this course?

For professionals who want to enter the world of cybersecurity and are looking to gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the techniques and procedures used today in the IT security sector.
Course aims
  • Understand the concept of cybersecurity and the technological trends and services behind it.
  • Understand how cyber-attacks impact organizations, as well as the attack vectors, actors involved and defense strategies.
  • Learn how communication protocols work.
  • Basic programming concepts using Python.
  • Understand how malware works and how it can be detected and removed.
  • Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)
  • Discover new trends in AI and machine learning which could change the world of cybersecurity and the threats that exist.


  • Practical activities right from the start
  • In each unit there is a multiple-choice test and at the end of the course students have to resolve a real-world case.
Study Plan

Study Plan

Key concepts: Risk, Threat, Vulnerability, Incident, Assets, Attack vectors, NIST Framework, Communication protocols, Python, Malware, APT.

Tools: Python, Anaconda, Spyder, Wireshark, Capesandbox, Microsoft Visual Studio, IE Inspector HTTP Analyzer, Burp Suite, Sysinternals.

1. Introduction to Cybersecurity

This unit introduces students to the world of cybersecurity, exploring key areas, aims and fundamental concepts.

  • General concepts
  • Global cybersecurity panorama
  • Cybersecurity actors and domains
2. Communication Protocols

This unit gives students a comprehensive understanding of IT security in Internet communication. Learn how communication protocols work, how communication is established and maintained between different devices, and how each communication layer plays an important role in the process.

  • Introduction to communication protocols
  • Security at the physical and data-link layers
  • Security at the transport layer
  • Security at the application layer
3. Fundamental Concepts of Programming

This unit immerses students in the basics of programming using Python, a versatile programming language. Learn about the syntax, data structure, and basic functions of Python, which will help develop programming skills needed for cybersecurity.

  • Introduction to Python
  • Python variables
  • Object types
  • Control structures
  • Functions
4. Introduction to Malware

This unit takes a detailed look at malware and its implications for IT security. Learn how malware is developed and distributed, from its inception to current threats.

  • What is malware?
  • Infection vectors
  • Stages of infection
  • Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)
  • Example
Self-Assessment Tests

Students take four multiple-choice tests with 10 questions each.

Caso práctico

As a cybersecurity specialist, you will become part of a team responsible for protecting your company's infrastructure: ImmuneTech Solutions against continuous cyber-attacks. Your company recently deployed a system enabling you to automatically report phishing and suspicious emails to the security team. Now, one particular has caused a commotion in the company

Your bosses have asked you to prepare a detailed report including all the information you can find about the attached message in order to take the appropriate action and define the scope of the incident. To do this, you will have to:

  1. List five components or techniques of social engineering.
  2. Extract the macro from the Office document.
  3. Share the conclusions after carrying out the malware analysis.
  4. Identify the location of the .py file by analyzing the Office document macro.
*The academic program may be subject to changes in line with the changing demand for specific skills in the market. Your employability is our goal.
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