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We are here to guide you in your professional career

We provide you with employability advice, job vacancies, talent fairs and events focused on helping you to successfully develop your professional career in technology.

Hear it from them:

We want to get the best out of you, that is why at IMMUNE we are committed to technological talent.

We provide all our students and alumni with a selection of resources focused on developing individual potential to the full. You are IMMUNE’s tech evangelists, the public face of new technological training based on human sciences.

We want all your progress to be a truly enjoyable experience that also guarantees your employability.

Experiences in companies

Find out about the experiences of our alumni!

At IMMUNE we are strongly committed to employability, accompanying our students in this process.


Discover our job board

We post job vacancies and internships on the Universia Platform, to ensure you have simple, optimum access to all job opportunities in the market.

You’ll find more than 100 job vacancies, both for junior profiles and for positions that require more experience. Once registered as a student, you can consult them, filter and directly apply for them entirely independently.

Go to the Job Board
So, who do we work with?

Prestigious Partners

If you want to go far, you need to keep good company. We are proud to boast of all the startups, companies, and corporations that make up our collaborative circle.

Discover Our Partners
Soft skills

We promote soft skills

In all our programs we work on the professional skills that companies need and that ensure your success:

Detail-oriented approach:

The ability to focus on details is important in so many jobs, particularly those involving the review of documents or input of precise data. A detail-oriented approach also implies the ability to follow established procedures and protocols.

Critical thinking:

This skill involves being able to analyze information, identify problems and make decisions based on the critical evaluation of available data.


The ability to work effectively with others is essential in almost every job. This involves being able to collaborate with others, listen and respond to other people’s ideas and opinions, and work towards a common goal.


The skill to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing, is essential in any job. This includes the ability to listen actively and convey information effectively.

Flexibility and adaptation:

In a constantly changing work environment, it is important to be able to adapt quickly to new situations and requirements. Flexibility also means the ability to work on different projects and with different work teams.


A proactive person is someone who takes the initiative and is able to anticipate and solve problems before they become bigger obstacles. This skill is highly valued by employers as it demonstrates a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.


We promote your employability

  1. Discover yourself: We help you discover your professional goals and define an Action Plan towards Employability.
  2. Access the labor market: Networking with companies to find out the latest trends in the technology market.
  3. Make your résumé stand out: We help you prepare your résumé, focusing it specifically on a given area and gaining visibility.
  4. Prepare the selection processes: Workshops to prepare you as a candidate to pass selection processes.
  5. We accompany you throughout the entire process of gaining employment.

Companies on the lookout for talent

IMMUNE is the place where companies look for and find skilled and motivated candidates. Thanks to our practical training focused on the labor market, our students have soft skills and knowledge of technology in the areas in which they have been trained, such as programming, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and data analysis.

If your business needs technological talent, contact us at the following email: carrerasprofesionales@immune.institute.

Paseo de la Castellana 89, 28046 Madrid

© IMMUNE Technology Institute. All rights reserved.
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