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Tech Summer Camp

On-campus / Online classes live
Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00.
One-week or two-week options
July 2024
Price/week: On-campus €330 / Online €295

Ages from 10 to 18: Our activities promote interest and understanding of STEM subjects and professions from a young age.

Rookie and Advanced levels: We help you work towards your future profession starting from scratch, yet always adapting the material and with a study plan designed for every level.

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Academic Information

The IMMUNE Tech Summer Camp is an extracurricular program focused on introducing young people to the world of technology: programming, artificial intelligence, electronics, video games, cybersecurity and much more.

As well as learning technical skills, students will develop soft skills such as teamwork and communication. The aim is for students to obtain a broad vision of technology and develop the skills they will need in the future.


More than 5,500 students in extracurricular activities.


Programming, electronics, video games and audiovisual design.


Active experts who have carried out cutting-edge ideas or inventions.


Technological campus with state-of-the-art materials and electronic devices.

Study Plan

Study Plan

Our activities promote interest and understanding of STEM subjects and professions from a young age.

We help you work towards the professions of the future starting from scratch, yet always adapting the material and with a study plan designed for every level.

Nivel I Rookie

Starting from scratch! First immersion in the world of technology: programming, cloud and introduction to computer vision are just some of the subjects. All of this will be done through block programming (Scratch), Raspberry Py and electronics, among other things.

Create your minicomputer
Introduction to the Raspberry environment and looking into basic features.

Minecraft activity
Presentation of Python, identification of code parts and Minecraft environment design.

Introduction to multimedia centers
Introduction to multimedia centers, types of centers and customization.

Introduction to programming
First steps in programming, types of programming languages and their functions, playing with the Scratch pseudocode

Going further with Python
Python in more depth, why create programs in Python? Starting programming.

Programming games
Introduction to video games, how they work and are programmed. Creating your first game from scratch.

Introduction to home automation
Basics of home automation, possibilities and app programming with Python.

End-of-course project
Creation and presentation of an end-of course project.

Nivel II Expert

For youngsters who have no doubts that technology is their thing. This is their level! We take students deep into the most in-demand subjects in the sector, such as Data Science and Software Development.

Object-oriented programming (OOP)
A review of key programming concepts, establishing the foundations of OOP, a new paradigm. Sales, real applications and uses.

Tkinter graphical interfaces
What are desktop applications, graphical user interface (GUI) development & widget implementation.

Dynamic graphics with Python, drawing and defining fractals.

Preparation of the 2D game development environment, game structure: mechanics, story, aesthetics and technology.

End-of-Course Project
Creation and presentation of an end-of course project.

*The academic program may be subject to changes in line with the changing demand for specific skills in the market. Your employability is our goal.
We promote soft skills

Self-learning and innovation

Students are given additional resources to explore and to discover that technology knows no limits.


Mentoring programs offer students the chance to meet classmates of other levels and ages.

Social skills

Students present their projects after completing each module.

Abstract thinking

The course helps encourage abstract thinking through programming and electronics.


Creative thinking is also encouraged so students are building beyond the confines of the classroom.


Students work together on team projects in each of the modules.


Healthy competition is nurtured with events such as hackathons and presentation galas.
Additional activities

Techie escape room

Youngster will be able to enhance their strategic skills and teamwork.

IMMUNE Olympics

Ping pong, table football or mini golf tournaments for team building.

Expo projects

Students develop presentation skills through the presentation of technological projects.

Treasure hunt

We turn the Google Maps app into an exciting challenge.


The fun doesn’t isn’t confined to a computer screen: It wouldn’t be a summer camp without outdoor activities:

  • Tabletop games
  • Yincana techie
  • Visual ride
  • DIY contest

Paseo de la Castellana 89, 28046 Madrid

© IMMUNE Technology Institute. All rights reserved.
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