In 2019, where 5G technology is beginning to take its first steps and the Internet of Things is one step closer to becoming a reality, companies need new technological profiles with which to adapt to the changes.
Marta López | 16 January 2019A few years ago, Educa 2020 and the Axa Foundation published a study whose results show a surprising and somewhat worrying reality for the future of our country. What is it? Less than 20% of university students want to start their own company or business.
Marta López | 2 January 2019With the recent release of Java 9 in September 2017, here are the answers to your questions and some interesting facts you ought to know before you use the computer programming language synonymous with coffee.
Marta López | 13 July 2018One of the most fascinating things about the birth of modern computing has always been the uncommon paths it followed.
Marta López | 7 June 2018The Digital Economy has become a real booster that grows seven times faster than the rest of the sectors. The sector reaches a value of 3 billion euros.
Marta López | 17 May 2018The generalization of the Information Society in the last decade brings many advances in different areas, but it has a main disruptive element
Marta López | 10 May 2018