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DevOps & Cloud Computing Bootcamp

Live online classes
5-month course (350h)
Monday to Friday - 7:00 to 10:00pm
October, 2024

Limited availability | Discover the combination of Cloud Computing & DevOps

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Academic Information

Start out from scratch in Cloud & DevOps and discover the key services of the three leading and most extensive clouds in the industry: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud.
You will discover all you need to know about the existing cloud ecosystem and be equipped to take the best decisions about where to implement your company's business. Moreover, through the DevOps & Cloud Computing Bootcamp, you will enhance your professional profile as you will be able to earn the certifications of Cloud Administrator with Microsoft Azure, Cloud Architect with AWS, or Cloud Engineer with Google Cloud.

Program Aims
  • Administración Cloud: Aprender a gestionar y configurar recursos en la nube, incluyendo máquinas virtuales, almacenamiento, redes, conexiones site to site, load balancers, contenedores, servicios web, IoT e Inteligencia Artifical en Azure, AWS y GCP.
  • Arquitectura Cloud: Comprender los fundamentos de la arquitectura en la nube, incluyendo nube privada, pública e híbrida, y cómo diseñar soluciones escalables y seguras. Aplicar seguridad de forma solida y profesional. Tener el control y gobernanza de los recursos cloud y establecer una vision estrategica de las soluciones empresariales asi como de la propia empresa.
  • DevOps: Desarrollar habilidades en la implementación de prácticas de DevOps, utilizando herramientas como Azure DevOps, Git, ARM e IaC con Terraform. Ser capaz de implementar ciclos de vida y desarrollo de productos totalmente automatizados donde las soluciones llegan a la nuebe con una infrastructura bien dimensionada y operada de manera automatica.
  • Automatización: Dominar la automatización de procesos con PowerShell, incluyendo scripting, cmdlets, módulos y uso de estructuras de control y bucles. Ser capaz de automatizar cualquier proceso o tarea frecuente en el Cloud o en cualquier proceso o herramienta de nuestro sistema informático. Reducir el fallo humano, aumentar la confianza y reducir costes.
  • Seguridad y autenticación: Aprender a proteger soluciones en la nube utilizando grupos de seguridad, IAM, Azure Active Directory y otros servicios de autenticación. Comprender el RBAC (Role Base Access Control) y gobernanza aplicada al cloud y a nuestro negocio.
  • Capacitación en tecnologías emergentes: Adquirir conocimientos en áreas como inteligencia artificial, Internet de las Cosas (IoT) y arquitecturas serverless capaz de escalar segun las necesidades de mercado, manteniendo bajos costes para incrementar la rentabilidad de nuestro producto.
Career Readiness

The comprehensive training we deliver to our students thoroughly prepares them for the employment market. Through a personalized syllabus, we help them develop professional skills, establish relationships with companies and sail through recruitment processes.

Training Done Differently

All our content includes elements of Human Sciences to relate technology to soft skills.

Learning By Doing Methodology

It focuses on the practical application of knowledge and skills to foster meaningful and lasting learning.

Live Streaming Classes

Con comunicación directa y en tiempo real entre el instructor y los alumnos. Esto facilita la resolución de dudas, y el intercambio de ideas.

100% Hands On

Metodología práctica desde el minuto cero con aplicaciones reales del mundo laboral.

Study Plan

Study Plan

This DevOps & Cloud Computing Bootcamp offers the knowledge and skills in Cloud Computing and DevOps to take you to an advanced level starting out from scratch. Master essential concepts such as automation, virtual infrastructure and code, networking, security, web services, and containers.

0. Prework
  1. Review of traditional systems architecture
  2. Private, public and hybrid cloud
  3. Service models
  4. Introduction to Azure, AWS and Google Cloud
  5. Basic concepts of each provider
  6. Products and documentation
  7. Key differentiators
  8. Costs and invoicing systems

The aim of this module is to give students the basic knowledge they need regarding cloud computing and learn how to express their value proposition.

1. Automation with PowerShell
  1. Cmdlets and modules
  2. Registry and WMI
  3. Object orientation
  4. Metrics
  5. Filters
  6. Format
  7. GridView
  8. Scripting in PowerShell
  9. ISE and Visual Code
  10. Variables
  11. Conditional structures
  12. While and For loops
  13. Foreach and Foreach-Object loops
  14. Passing values and functions

The aim of this module is to provide students with analytical thinking for situations where any process can be automated, saving resources and time through tools such as PowerShell. This content is essential for effective cloud administration and DevOps implementation.

2. Cloud Administrator
  1. Introduction to the IaaS Model in Azure
  2. Virtual machines
  3. Sizes and types of instances
  4. Extensions
  5. Settings
  6. Virtual machine scale set
  7. Image gallery
  8. Introduction to Azure Storage Services
  9. Storage account types
  10. Storage types
  11. Replication
  12. Security
  13. Introduction to Azure Network Services
  14. TCP/IP addressing
  15. Network components
  16. Virtual networks
  17. Network security groups
  18. ExpressRoute and intersite and connections
  19. Load balancers
  20. Introduction to Azure Web Services
  21. Web components
  22. Multimedia content and CDN
  23. SPA in storage accounts
  24. Azure functions
  25. API management
  26. Introduction to Azure Database Services
  27. SQL services
  28. NoSQL services
  29. Data Lake and ETL systems
  30. Training for the AZ-104 exam

This module aims to provide students with a bedrock of knowledge for contracting and administering cloud resources. It is aimed towards obtaining Microsoft Azure Cloud Administrator AZ-104 certification.

3. Cloud Architect AZ-305
  1. Introduction to architecture | Serverless design patterns and architectures
  2. Site resilience | Azure Backup, Azure Site Recovery & Azure Automation
  3. Authentication in Azure | IAM (Identity Access Management) Active Directory in IaaS | Azure AD, ADDS, Azure Active Directory Domain Services
  4. Media, Communication and AI | DNS, CDN, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, preparation for the AZ-305 exam

This module aims to provide students with a bedrock of knowledge in cloud design and architecture. Creating resilient, scalable, and efficient solutions. It is aimed towards obtaining Microsoft Azure Cloud Architect AZ-305 certification.

4. AWS - Associate Architect
  1. Introduction to cloud architecture
  2. Adding a storage layer
  3. Adding a compute layer
  4. Adding a database layer
  5. Creating a network environment
  6. Network connections
  7. Securing user and application access
  8. Implementing elasticity, high availability, and monitoring
  9. Architecture automation
  10. Content caching
  11. Creating decoupled architectures
  12. Building microservices and serverless architectures
  13. Planning for disaster
  14. Training for the AWS - Associate Architect exam

This module delivers the skills and knowledge required to design secure and robust solutions using AWS technologies.

5. GCP - Cloud Engineer
  1. Introduction to Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  2. Configuring a cloud solution environment
  3. Storage resources
  4. Processing resources
  5. Exploring and implementing cloud solutions
  6. Google Kubernetes Engine
  7. Monitoring tools, logs and metrics
  8. Database products
  9. Training for the GCP - Cloud Engineer exam

The aim of this module is for students to acquire advanced knowledge of solution orchestration, creation of infrastructure as code, and delivery.

6. Ingeniero DevOps
  1. Introduction to DevOps.
  2. DevOps platforms (Azure DevOps and GitHub)
  3. Azure DevOps (Board | Repositories | CI Pipelines | CD Pipelines | Service connections)
  4. Git (Docker | Containerization)
  5. IaC (ARM, Terraform)
  6. Container orchestration (Docker-Compose | Kubernetes)
  7. Types of deployments (A/B Testing | Canary Testing | Blue Green deployments)
  8. Quality & automation (Pull requests | Validations and policies | Shift-left testing)

The aim of this module is for students to acquire transversal knowledge, from basic to advanced level, of containerization and automated delivery of solutions.

7. Capstone Project
  1. Definición de idea con el tutor asignado.
  2. Selección de objetivos del trabajo.
  3. Plantear metodología y herramientas.
  4. Presentación ante tribunal de expertos y compañeros.
*The academic program may be subject to changes in line with the changing demand for specific skills in the market. Your employability is our goal.
Outstanding Mentors


Rodrigo Moro

Tech. Arch. Delivery Manager

Cloud Computing Bootcamp Director

Andrés Gallego

Software Engineering Architect

Alfredo Barroso

Consultant at Avanade

Ramón Abad

Software Engineering Associate Manager

Ezequiel Ochoa

AAI AWS Authorized Instructor / X5 Certified AWS Architect Associate

Arnau Senserrich

Customer Reliability Engineer

*We are always on the lookout for the best professionals in the sector, so the team may vary from one edition of the course to another

Certification Training

At IMMUNE Technology Institute we prepare all our students for AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud certification.

The industry is on fire
+84% Improved Employment Status
+40 Monthly Job Offers
94,5% Employability
+4,7 Job Offers/Student

An innovative and vibrant Tech Hub

We are not conventional and our campus even less so.
Designed to replicate an ecosystem of startups and tech companies, we have created a Silicon Valley oasis in the heart of Madrid. Come and check it out.

Visit the Campus
Paseo de la Castellana, 89
Co-working spaces
Meeting rooms
Rest areas
Digital classrooms
Our students are working in



External Financing

ISA Bcas (Student Loans)
Only pay when you have found a job. Adapt the installments to suit your salary.
*Aimed at Spanish Nationals or official residents of Spain

Pay in installments, even if you are unemployed and cannot guarantee the loan.
*Aimed at unemployed people who meet specific eligibility conditions.

Pay in installments, even if you are unemployed and cannot guarantee the loan.
*Aimed at unemployed people who meet specific eligibility conditions.

Pay for your training through the Spanish Employment Training Foundation
*Aimed at active workers who wish to finance their program through the subsidized training program.


We are here to answer your questions!

What are the admission requirements?

It is not necessary to demonstrate any prior training for admission, only to go through the admission process consisting of an evaluation of your resume and a personal interview with our admissions team.

Will the tools I need be included in the price of the program?

The tools used throughout the program are licensed for free use, in some cases because we use educational licenses and in others because it is free software.

Is there a careers and employment guidance service?

We have an employability area which, through our Talent Hub program, is responsible for supporting the efforts of our students to enter the employment market. The services we offer include resources to help you search for and prepare for interviews, English tests, resume and/or Linkedin profile guidance, interview and elevator pitch training, and access to our exclusive internship and employment pool.

Do I need prior knowledge or experience?

No prior knowledge is required since all programs start from scratch. It is advisable however, to have user-level knowledge and a keenness for technology.

What are the requirements for my computer?

You will need to have access to a laptop with a camera, microphone and minimum requirements of 8 GB of RAM and an i5 processor.

What is the Capstone Project?

The final project is where everything you have learned throughout the program is applied and consolidated. You will present the project to a panel of professionals from companies in the sector, which represents a unique opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge to potential employers and also to network.

What certification or qualification will I receive on completion of the course?

Once you have finished and passed the program, you will receive a diploma issued by IMMUNE Technology Institute in digital format and verifiable using blockchain technology.

Are there grants or scholarships available?

Yes, there are scholarships or study grants as well as financing options depending on students’ circumstances. Check out our scholarship and financing options.

Can the course be delivered online?

Yes, the program is delivered online with live classes. As such, you will be in direct contact and under the supervision of the teachers, which will enable you to follow the classes and interact in a flexible and natural way.

Admissions Process

Our students are characterized by their passion for technology. Our admissions process focuses on who you are, how you think, what you have accomplished, and then sharing your goals.

Our aim is to get to know you better, see what makes you unique and ensure that the IMMUNE educational model adapts to your profile.

Personal Interview
Academic Committee

Paseo de la Castellana 89, 28046 Madrid

© IMMUNE Technology Institute. All rights reserved.
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