
¿Quieres impulsar tu carrera con una formación en tecnología? Nosotros te lo ponemos fácil. Completa el formulario y nos pondremos en contacto contigo.

We don't talk, we act.

Project-based learning

At IMMUNE, you learn by doing. Our methodology, IDEIA, is based on real-world application projects that challenge you to research and solve relevant, current, and complex problems.

We combine hands-on experience with the development of soft skills, a strong focus on employability, and a unique learning experience. We prepare you to overcome the challenges of the tech world and become the professional that companies are looking for.

View the projects
FitbaseNomaia LiveSageUxerfest


Segunda formación

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Por ser parte de la comunidad de IMMUNE, queremos premiar tu compromiso y confianza ofreciéndote un 30% de descuento en tu segunda formación con nosotros.

Para acceder a este beneficio exclusivo, simplemente completa el formulario y nos pondremos en contacto contigo.

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