
At IMMUNE, we are committed to technological talent and the employability of our students by offering a variety of resources to fully develop their individual potential and making their progress more manageable.

IMMUNE's tech evangelists represent a new kind of technological training rooted in the humanities. Additionally, we support our students throughout their employability journey and offer hands-on experiences with companies, highlighting the stories and experiences of our alumni.


We post job vacancies and internships on the Universia Platform, to ensure you have simple, optimum access to all job opportunities in the market.

You’ll find more than 100 job vacancies, both for junior profiles and for positions that require more experience. Once registered as a student, you can consult them, filter and directly apply for them entirely independently.

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Servicio de orientación

¡Impulsa tu Carrera Profesional!

Sabemos lo importante que es dar el siguiente paso en tu trayectoria. Por eso, te ofrecemos una asesoría personalizada en empleabilidad.
Envía tu CV y uno de nuestros expertos analizará tu perfil para brindarte recomendaciones que te ayudarán a destacar en el mercado laboral.

Solo tienes que completar el formulario con tus datos. ¡No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de potenciar tu futuro profesional!

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