Voice Tech: Voice technology is already the present

21 April 2022
Tecnología por voz
Marta López
Marta López

Head of Marketing and Communication

One of the most striking features of the Artificial Intelligence is the so-called "Natural Language Processing" (NLP) or, in other words, to make machines interact - increasingly - with a more human language.

PLN is used by applying algorithms of machine learning in text and speech. Together with the Speech To Text or speech recognition process, it achieves such successful results as voice tech technology.

In this post we take a closer look at voice tech or voice technology which is already the present for individuals and companies. 

Voice Tech: definition

Just as you are imagining, voice tech refers to voice technology. That is, all those electronic devices that work by human voice, thanks to Artificial Intelligence. 

Voice tech has brought about a technological revolution, a new way of interacting with machines that companies and citizens alike use in their daily lives. To do this, they must employ VUIs or voice user interfaces.

What is the Voice User Interface (VUI)?

Siri, Cortana, Alexa, Google Assistant... yes, they are all examples of Voice User Interfaces or conversational interfaces or voice assistants. An incredible improvement of the technology implemented, through Natural Language Processing and Speech To Text enhancement in AI. Indeed, a reality that has managed to surpass fiction. 

Now, a conversation between Michael and KITT (fantastic car) can be possible. In the same way that we ask Siri for the weather or Google to play our favourite podcast.

VUI is voice recognition technology. Therefore, the user interacts and gives commands to the machine using only his or her voice. This technology accepts the user's voice input, processes it and provides information through the voice, redundantly. This can be supplemented by text, video or graphics, among others.

Advantages of Voice Tech technology

The benefits of voice tech are more than obvious. Voice technology dramatically simplifies all kinds of tasks (both daily and business). People have full control of the technology, with their hands free. 

Thus, voice tech offers a better user experience. It is more convenient, faster and more useful, not to mention highly efficient.

On the other hand, voice tech stores its data in a cloud. This technology uses cloud computingThis streamlines the interaction between the device and the user and also facilitates cost savings, among other advantages.

Voice Tech applications

But where can we use voice tech? Here are some of their most common uses:

In the case of companies, by improving the user experience, it serves to increase the number of sales. For example, McDonald's wants to use voice tech in its McAuto service (ordering from the car), in order to offer the user a faster and more accurate service.

Also, business use of voice tech can be at the internal level. We explain: companies that create a VUI for their employees to carry out specific tasks such as filling out a form or a survey.

And as for individuals, there are many everyday actions in which voice tech is present:

  • Watch a film.
  • Turn lights off or on.
  • Listen to a song.
  • Leave the alarm clock set.
  • Ask the weather.
  • Search for information on the Internet.
  • Give a command to the GPS.

Specialise in voice technology: study Voice Tech at IMMUNE

At our IMMUNE Institute of Technology we are committed to to offer you a training offer that is useful for today's labour demand. And voice tech is, as we noted in the headline, a "voice technology that is already the present". 

In this way, we have the Voice Tech Bootcampa 1 month training course, in which you will learn how to create your project from scratch. Also, on our campus you have the Degree in Software Development Engineering. And become a professional with future prospects!

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