What are the main new features of Vue 3?

23 March 2023
caracteristicas y novedades de vue 3
Marta López
Marta López

Head of Marketing and Communication

If you're considering entering the world of development, you've probably already heard of Vue.js as a JavaScript framework fast and lightweight, which is used to create modern web applications.

Since the launch of Vue 3 in September 2020, many developers have been wondering what's new in Vue 3. framework of JavaScript and how these developments affect your work. And for those just starting out, this can be an important topic.

In our article, we will show you all the details about these new features in depth. We'll learn what they mean for today's developers and how they can improve their daily work by taking advantage of all these new features. Don't miss it!

What is Vue and Vue 3?

If you don't know it yet, Vue is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It is designed to create interactive web applications and modern technologies quickly and easily. It has also established itself as one of the most popular tools for the software engineers.

Vue 3 is the latest version of this framework, promising unprecedented improvements in performance, syntax and capabilities. New features include code optimisation, syntax and error handling improvements, as well as new features such as Suspense and Composition API. The latter allows us to write simpler, cleaner and more reusable code.

Below we will tell you in more detail about some of the main new features of Vue 3.

The main change: Composition API

The main new feature of Vue 3 is the Composition API, a tool that allows developers to write more expressive and flexible code. With this new syntax, it is possible to write code that is much simpler and more similar in style to "vanilla" JavaScrip.

The new Composition API tools allow developers to reduce the time required to build their web applications and increase the quality of the code. In addition, it also offers improvements in state management, resulting in increased performance and scalability.

Advantages of Vue 3 for web developers

Any update implies improvements and new opportunities to make the most of the functionalities of an application or tool. In this case, what are the advantages of using VUE 3?

Performance improvements

Vue version 3 features significant performance improvements. These improvements are achieved through the optimising compilationand memory. Compilation is now faster, allowing for faster loading and updating.

Performance has also been improved, with better overall performance for complex applications. In addition, this new version also supports Vite, a much faster alternative to WebPack that is used by more and more users. developers.

Use of Hooks

Thanks to Vue 3, developers can now use native support for Hooks, allowing them to easily access information in all their components without having to write many additional lines of code.

Hooks also improve performance by allowing data to be stored locally within the component itself rather than using global variables, which reduces excessive memory usage. These new features make Vue 3 even more attractive to those interested in creating beautiful interfaces with ease and efficiency.

Tools for debugging

The debugging tools in Vue 3 have been significantly improved. The new Vue DevTools website now comes with a fully supported extension for Chrome y Firefox. This allows developers to inspect the state of the application, track changes to components and verify the component hierarchy.

On the other hand, there is also a new debug panel that provides detailed information about the current state of the application. This information includes variables, properties, methods and other useful details to help the user find bugs and fix them quickly.

Typescript support

Vue 3 brings a big new feature for developers, native support for TypeScript. This means that developers can use TypeScript to write JavaScript code more efficiently. This way, fans of this JavaScript superset will be able to write higher quality code with less effort and time.

TypeScript also gives developers the ability to detect errors before they happen in code, making it easier to identify and fix them quickly. Thus, the combination of full TypeScript support, tooling enhancements and other resources make Vue 3 an excellent choice for modern developers.

Do you want to learn web development?

As you can see, Vue 3 is a major update to the beloved JavaScript framework with many new and exciting features. It is an incredibly powerful tool that offers developers more options and capabilities than ever before.

With all the new features created by Evan You and his team, anyone who wants to learn web development can get up and running very quickly and master this framework in just a few months.

And if you want to specialise as a web developer in a short time, in IMMUNE Technology Institute we offer you a Bootcamp on Programming and Web Development Full Stack Developer to boost your career.

Our programmes are designed to enable you to gain a practical understanding of the fundamentals of web development, as well as the use of modern and advanced tools to create modern web-publishable applications such as Vue 3. Don't wait any longer and take the step you've been waiting for!

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