IMMUNE and ANBAN: A partnership for technological talent

22 November 2021
Marta López
Marta López

Head of Marketing and Communication

Today in this IMMUNE blog we are in luck. We have a new partner with us, with whom great projects are on the horizon. A collaboration that will encourage technological talent inside and outside our country.

IMMUNE has signed an agreement with ANBAN, the Spanish National Association of Big Data and Analytics.

ANBAN is a benchmark in the technology sector. and with whom we share this commitment to knowledge and support for new job opportunities. A mutual commitment to these qualified professionals, whose demand is booming.

National Association of Big Data and Analytics (ANBAN): spreading the analytical culture

We could not have chosen a better partner for this alliance. ANBAN is the main Spanish Data and Analytics association. As they point out on their website, this entity was created as a non-profit association, with a clear objective: "to unite 3 pillars of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Spain".

In other words: to be the link between working professionals, companies that want AI and educational centres. In effect, IMMUNE would fall into the latter category.

"A centre for the dissemination, promotion and diffusion of the technology sector"; this is how we can define this association. And the fact is that research, development and learning are at its core.

It has different specialists who are involved in promoting various initiatives, with the aim of creating and developing new opportunities in the world of technology. In addition, ANBAN pursues public-private partnershipsThe aim of the project is to promote and anchor the analytical transformation.

"This agreement with IMMUNE confirms, once again, ANBAN's commitment to training and learning. At the same time, collaboration with leading educational institutions in technology means the search for excellence in the contents on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence", ANBAN states.

Technology sector development and employability: a joint mission

"It is predicted that by 2030 the demand for Data Science profiles will grow by 54%, which generates a wide range of opportunities at a professional level"; with these words Juan Riva, CEO of IMMUNE, values this technology sector in our country. And the fact is that IMMUNE knows what the jobs of the present and the future are.o. Data Science is undoubtedly one of them.

Thus, IMMUNE has signed this agreement with the National Association of Big Data and Analytics.. An alliance to promote the development of activities and synergies between both entities.

In short, an exchange and mutual support in the actions carried out to promote the development of talent in the technology sector.

Hence, training will be the key element in this collaboration between the two institutions. And not only at an academic level, but also at a communicative level.

At both IMMUNE and ANBAN, we are committed to quality training which, as a result, is going to unleashing the development of technological talent, as well as employability in the sector both nationally and internationally.

Work on the jobs of the future, with IMMUNE Technology Institute and ANBAN

The IMMUNE community is a living organism of knowledge in which ideas and technology are its engine of growth. We have a own educational method (case to be solved) and we propose a human approach to technology.

In this way, we have a multitude of world-class educational, business, institutional and technology partnersAmong which we highlight, from now on, the National Association of Big Data and Analytics. A common project that is sure to generate great professional success.

And you, do you want to dedicate yourself to the world of Big Data or Analytics? Can you imagine yourself working as a Data Scientist? If so, specialised training like the one we offer at IMMUNE is what you need. And even more, with the support of ANBAN.

So now you know, don't forget to check out our Data Science Master (also available as a online), as well as this Data Analytics Bootcamp.

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