3 July 2019
Marta López
Marta López

Head of Marketing and Communication

What is C?

The C programming language came into use in the 1970s. To be more precise, C was born in 1978 with the publication of "The C Programming Language", popularly known as "The C Bible" and written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. This language was closely linked to UNIX, as it was used to define the operating system, the compiler and the programs that ran on UNIX. Ultimately, C was designed with the aim of giving the programmer control over his programs, allowing low-level programming.

How is C different from other "C" languages?

In addition to C, we can find other languages which share the root of the name and some characteristics. There is the case of C with Classesbetter known as C++ by playing a game with the C increment (++) operator.

C++ was created in the first half of the 1980s by Bjarne Stroustrup, who tried to give C mechanisms that would allow the language to be used for object-oriented programming. At first, C++ was compatible with C, which means that any program written in C was also a valid program in the C++ language... a situation that did not occur the other way around. This had a clear objective: to encourage the adoption of the new language by professionals who were using C and who were looking to make the leap to object-oriented programming.

With the arrival of the new millennium, Anders Hejlsberg of Microsoft improved C++, creating C# (which can be interpreted as C++++) and designing a language intended for high-level programming. With this new and improved language, Microsoft aimed to compete with Java, which had been gaining popularity for its ease of use compared to C++.

What are the advantages of using C, C+ and C sharp?

In addition to being a powerful and efficient language that allows us to create faster and more compact programs, using C is a great advantage when it comes to programming, as it is a language that provides complete control over what happens internally in our computer. Precisely, thanks to the control it allows us to have, it gives us great freedom to organise our work. However, in order to get the most out of this language, it is necessary to have a certain degree of experience and discipline.

Where is C still used?

Although it is no longer so popular As in the 1970s, many projects still start today with C programming, even though it is a high-level language. For example, the kernel of Microsoft Windows, Mac and Linux, as well as iOS, Android and Windows Phone, are all written in C. The world's most popular databases, including Oracle, PostgreSQL and MySQL, are used in all kinds of financial, government, health, education and similar systems. Another use is 3D movie making, which is created from applications written in C thanks to the speed and efficiency of the language.

Where to learn how to program in C, C+ and C#?

Passionate about technology and thinking of turning your career around? Then IMMUNE Coding Institute is the place and the course for you. degree in software engineering. With a teaching method based on gamification, you will acquire all the knowledge and skills you need to train in computer engineering and change the world through programming. Be the master of your own learning path!

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