Legal Notice

IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L., in compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), informs that:

1. is a website owned by the commercial company IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L. (hereinafter IMMUNE), with its registered office at Calle Zurbano, 92 6ºD, 28003 Madrid, Spain, C.I.F. number B-87979407, and registered in the Madrid Commercial Registry, Volume: 37,136, Page: 171, Section: 8, Sheet: M-662846, Registration: 1.

To contact us, please use the following email address:, or call us at the following phone number: (+34) 915 93 34 14.

2. The domain aims to provide users with a description of the various services and content (hereinafter, the "Services") made available by IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L. or by third parties.  

3. These general conditions regulate access to and use of the website (hereinafter, "the Website"), which IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L. makes freely available to Internet users. However, some of the Services provided by IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L. or by third parties through the Portal are subject to payment, as determined in the corresponding Specific Conditions. Access to the site implies full acceptance of these terms and conditions.

4. In general, the provision of Services is conditioned upon the prior completion of the corresponding User registration. Furthermore, IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L. offers certain Services that require additional registration to be completed. This registration will be carried out in the manner expressly indicated in the service itself or in the Specific Conditions that govern it.

For access to and/or use of certain services under registration, the User must assign a username(s) and password(s), committing to use both (the username and password) diligently and to keep them confidential, thus being responsible for any damages caused by improper or negligent use of them.

5. All information provided by Users through the Services must be truthful. In this regard, the User declares that they are over 16 years of age and guarantees the authenticity of all data provided as a result of completing the forms required for subscription to the Services. Likewise, it will be the responsibility of the Users to keep all information provided to IMMUNE permanently updated, ensuring that it reflects the Users' actual situation at all times. In any case, Users will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements they make and for any damages caused to IMMUNE or third parties as a result of the information they provide.

6. The intellectual property rights of the website, as well as its source code, design, navigation structure, databases, and the various elements contained therein, are owned by IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE, which holds exclusive exploitation rights over them in any form, particularly through the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation.

7. The viewing, printing, and partial downloading of the content from the Website are authorized only and exclusively under the following conditions:

  • Compatibility with the purposes of the Website.
  • Exclusively for the purpose of obtaining the information contained for personal and private use. Its use for commercial purposes, or for distribution, public communication, transformation, or decompilation, is expressly prohibited.
  • Respect for the integrity of the content on the website, with any modification of the content expressly prohibited.
  • The photos, graphics, or images available on the website may not be used separately from the text or other images that accompany them.

8. IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L reserves the right to make modifications and updates to the information contained on the website, its configuration and design, and the access conditions at any time, without prior notice.

9. IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in accessing the website or its content, nor that the content is up to date. However, it commits to carry out, whenever no causes make it impossible or difficult to execute, and as soon as it becomes aware of any errors, disconnections, or outdated content, all necessary actions to correct the errors, restore communication, and update the content.

10. Both access to the website and any improper use of the information contained therein are the sole responsibility of the person accessing it. IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L. will not be liable for any consequences, damage, or harm that may result from such access or use.

11. In accordance with the Anti-Spamming Policy of IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L., Users are obligated to refrain from:

(i) Collecting data for advertising purposes and sending any type of advertising or communications for sales or other commercial purposes without prior request or consent.

(ii) Sending any other unsolicited or unapproved messages to a plurality of people.

(iii) Sending unsolicited or previously unapproved chain emails.

12. IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L is also not responsible for any security errors that may occur, or for any damage that may be caused to the user's computer system (hardware and software), or to the files or documents stored therein, as a result of:

  • The presence of a virus on the user's computer used to connect to the services and content of the Website.
  • A malfunction of the browser.
  • The use of outdated versions of the browser.

13. IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L is not responsible for the content linked from the Website, provided they are external to it, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in such content that may cause alterations in the user’s computer system (hardware and software), documents, or files. IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L excludes any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.

In the event that any user, client, or third party considers that the content or services provided by the linked pages are illegal or infringe on the rights or property of the user, client, or third party that are subject to compensation, and, in particular, consist of:

  • Activities or content that could be considered criminal under Spanish criminal law.
  • Activities or content that violate intellectual or industrial property rights.
  • Activities or content that jeopardize public order, criminal investigation, public safety, and national defense.
  • Activities or content that endanger the protection of public health, respect for the dignity of individuals and the principle of non-discrimination, and the protection of health and childhood.

The user must send an email to ( so that the administrators can initiate the appropriate procedure to resolve the relevant issues.

14. IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L is the owner of the Industrial and Intellectual Property rights related to its products and services. With regard to references to third-party products and services, IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L acknowledges the corresponding Industrial and Intellectual Property rights in favor of their respective owners. The mere mention or appearance of these products and services on the website does not imply any rights or responsibility of IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L over them, nor does it imply endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by IMMUNE, unless expressly stated otherwise.

15. The unauthorized use of the information contained on the website, its resale, as well as the infringement of IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L.'s Intellectual Property rights, including the unauthorized use of its IMMUNE brand, will result in the legally established liabilities.

16. IMMUNE CODING INSTITUTE S.L., and the user, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction, submit to the courts and tribunals of the user's domicile for any dispute that may arise from the access to, or use of, the website.

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