Master in Full Stack Software Development

Live online classes

Octubre 2025

Free access to complementary training:

  • Generative AI Course: Prompt Engineering and Productivity
  • Introductory programming course: Python

Te preparamos para certificarte en

IT Specialist HTML CSSIT Specialist JavaScript
Visual studio codeHTML5CSS3JavaScriptTypeScriptReactNodeJSExpressJSPostgreSQLMongoDBDockerGoKubernetesGitHubVueJS


Presentation of the curriculum, work tools, program operation and presentation of the group.

Study plan


Presentation of the curriculum, work tools, program operation and presentation of the group.

Front end web developer fundamentals
Programming Fundamentals

We will review basic concepts, preparation of our development environment (OS, CLI) and basic programming knowledge (VSCode, from 0 to functions and agile methodologies), Programming basics, VSCode, Basic programming.

We will prepare the working environment, VSCode and CLI. programming logic, working environments, the same IDE that we will use during the programme.


  • Logical Programming
  • Programming basics
  • Working environment, VSCode, CLI.
Web Development Fundamentals

First steps in Web Development with HTML5 and CSS.
We will seek to understand how the Internet and web servers work, the importance of design, and the different roles of each of the components.
We will master the everyday elements of HTML and CSS.


  • Web Fundamentals
  • To know how the Internet and web servers work.
  • The importance of design
  • The different roles of each of the components
  • HTML5:
    • What is HTML
    • Basic elements Heading
    • Basic elements Paragraph
    • Tags Self Closing
    • Exercises
    • List item
    • Nesting and Identification
    • Anchor elements
    • Elements image
    • Exercises
    • Multiple websites
    • Html boilerplate
    • Web hosting
    • Hyperlinks
    • HTML Best Practices
  • CSS3:
    • Introduction to CSS, why we need CSS
    • How to add CSS
    • CSS Selectors
    • Exercises
    • Properties:
      • CSS Colours
      • Sources
      • Inspect CSS
      • The Box model (margins, padding, borders)
      • How styles are applied - Cascading, specificity, inheritance
      • Combine selectors
      • Positioning in CSS
      • CSS Display
      • CSS Float
      • How to create responsive sites
      • Media Queries
  • Flexbox:
    • Using flexbox for layout design
    • Basic understanding of Flexbox
    • Creating flexible and adaptable designs
  • Grid:
    • Differences and applications between grid and flexbox
    • Creating and organising grid layouts
    • Bootstrap
    • Installing and using the Bootstrap framework
    • 12-column layout system and components such as buttons, carousels and navigation bars
Web Development With Javascript

We will delve into one of the most widely used programming languages: Javascript.
We will see elementary aspects such as syntax, data types, control structures, functions and object-oriented programming. Methods and manipulation of arrays and objects.


  • Javascript and Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Typed and untyped languages
  • Variables, Data types.
  • Conditional.
  • Cycles/Loops.
  • Functions.
  • Data Types, Variables, Naming Conventions
  • Strings, Concatenation, Slicing and Extraction.
  • Basic arithmetic
  • Expressions
  • Functions - creation and consumption
  • Parameters and arguments.
  • Random number generation.
  • if-else control, conditionals, logic
  • Arrays in Javascript
  • Loops for, while
  • Add Javascript to Websites
  • Introduction to the DOM
  • Solving the DOM challenge
  • Select HTML elements with Javascript
  • Manipulating and changing styles of HTML elements
  • Structure vs Style vs Behaviour
  • Text Manipulation and the Text Content property
  • Manipulating the attributes of HTML elements
  • Event management
  • Functions as arguments
  • Sounds
  • Switch
  • JS objects in depth
  • Wind listeners
  • Animation on a Website
Front end web developer specialist
Web development with Typescript

We will learn TypeScript as a JavaScript-based language with the characteristic of being TYPED and OBJECT ORIENTED.


  • Basic concepts and the TypeScript development environment.
  • Use of primitive, special and complex types in TypeScript.
  • Declaration, typing of functions and objects
  • Interfaces and advanced types such as union, intersection and generics.
  • Techniques for error handling and debugging TypeScript code
  • Creating an App with TypeScript
FrontEnd Development With React

We will delve into FrontEnd development through React, typescript and advanced CSS.


  • Fundamentals:
    • Introduction to React, components, props, state, hooks and routing.
  • Development:
    • Global status with Redux, advanced patterns, testing and optimisationGlobal status with Redux, advanced patterns, testing and optimisation
  • Styles and advanced design:
    • Advanced CSS, responsive design, CSS-in-JS and design frameworks Advanced CSS, responsive design, CSS-in-JS and design frameworks
  • Performance and front end optimisation:
    • Load and performance optimisation, lazy loading, SEO and analysis with Lighthouse.Load and performance optimisation, lazy loading, SEO and analysis with Lighthouse.
  • Progressive development and PWAs:
    • Implementation of Progressive Web Apps, Service Workers, push notifications and offline-first strategies.
Middleware Specialist

We will start learning how to develop middleware with Node.js. Middleware is like the glue that binds different software components together, allowing them to work together in an efficient and coordinated way.


  • Backend development with Node.js.
  • Use of NPM, event loops, emitters and file system management.

Express.js is a minimalistic and flexible framework for Node.js that has become one of the most popular frameworks for server-side web application development. One of the key features of Express.js is its powerful middleware system.


  • What is Express.js
  • Create my own server with Express
  • HTTP requests
  • Postman
  • Introduction to Middleware
  • Customised middleware
Third Party APIs

Learning to use third-party APIs in middleware development allows you to extend the functionality of your applications, save time and resources, and create more complete and scalable solutions by leveraging external services and data from other sources.


  • Introduction to APIs
  • Structuring API requests
  • Postman
  • What is JSON
  • Make an API request on the Server side
  • API Authentication
  • Rest API
  • Public APIs
Backend web developer

Understanding SQL and NoSQL databases is essential for any backend developer, as these technologies are the backbone of most modern applications. Each offers specific advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of one or the other will depend largely on the characteristics and requirements of the application.


  • Introduction to BD
  • Fundamentals of data modelling
  • Databases Relationships
  • Data models
  • Entity Relationship Mapping ERD
  • SQL vs No-SQL
  • Introduction to PostgreSQL
  • Installation
  • Types and keywords
  • pgAdmin to Create a table.
  • Relationships - Introduction to PostgreSQL
  • Installation
  • Types and keywords
  • pgAdmin to Create a table.
  • Relations
  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • Installation
  • Basic concepts
  • CRUD operations
  • Indices
  • Aggregations
  • Data models
  • Replication
  • Advanced: Sharding, Security, Backaup, Performance
  • Application Integration - Introduction to MongoDB
  • Installation
  • Basic concepts
  • CRUD operations
  • Indices
  • Aggregations
  • Data models
  • Replication
  • Advanced: Sharding, Security, Backaup, Performance
  • Integration with applications
Production Deployment Specialist
Proprietary Restful APIs

Understanding the design, implementation, documentation and maintenance of RESTful APIs is crucial for building modern, scalable web applications, as it enables clear and efficient interfaces for different systems to communicate with each other in a standardised way.


  • Design of RESTful APIs.
  • Implementation of CRUD operations.
  • Development, documentation and maintenance of RESTful APIs.
JWT and Local Authentication

Understanding JWT and local authentication is essential for securing web applications, enabling secure identification of users and protecting their data.


  • Implementation and security of authentication with JWT and local methods.
Container Basics

Learning Docker or containers is essential for production deployment because it facilitates the creation of consistent, isolated and scalable runtime environments, which speeds development, improves portability and ensures application reliability.


  • Container basics, working with images and containers.
  • Use of Docker Compose to manage the application and its dependencies.
Application Deployment

Learning about application hosting and deployment is essential to bring your development projects to a production environment accessible to users.


  • Hosting and deployment of applications.
  • Use of GitHub Pages and Heroku.
  • Strategies and tools for automated application deployment.
Web Application Security

Web application security is a critical aspect of modern software development. We will explore the fundamental principles, best practices and key tools to secure your applications.


  • Principles and practices for securing web applications in production.
  • Principles of web security.
  • Configuration of HTTPS and SSL certificates.
  • Management of secrets and environment variables.
  • Security testing (OWASP Top 10).
  • Security audits and monitoring.
Monitoring and Management

Post-deployment monitoring and management of applications is important to maintain the performance and availability of applications in production.


  • Post-deployment monitoring and management of applications.
  • Tools and techniques for application monitoring, logs, alerts, performance optimisation and incident management.

An asynchronous module in which time will be provided to prepare for and take the certification exams included in the program. IMMUNE, in this case, acts as a facilitator in connecting the certifying entity and the student, easing the process but without having authority over the exam or the grades obtained by the students.

Developer with TypeScript
Object-oriented programming with TypeScript

This course delves into the principles of object-oriented programming, applied in TypeScript, to create structured and efficient software. Students will develop competencies in design patterns and software architecture, key to scalable and maintainable projects.


  • Object-oriented programming in TypeScript
  • Design Patterns in OOP
  • Software Architecture with TypeScript
  • Decorators and Types
  • Integration with Frameworks
Middleware Expert
Go programming and service development

This course explores the Go language and its capabilities in the development of modern services and applications. Students will learn to apply data structures, concurrency and object-oriented programming principles to create efficient and scalable services.


  • Go Fundamentals
  • Functions and Error Handling
  • Data Structures and OOP
  • Concurrence in Go
  • Web application development with Go
  • Development of middleware services in Go
Standard Containers and Services

This course addresses the advanced use of containers and service orchestration, providing the tools to deploy, manage and monitor applications in production environments. Students will master continuous integration and deployment techniques to keep systems up to date and efficient.


  • Advanced Docker
  • Orchestration with Docker
  • Kubernetes Basics
  • Cluster management and monitoring
  • DevOps and CI/CD
  • Seamless integration with Jenkings/Github Actions
  • Continuous deployment and version management
Web development expert
Advanced FrontEnd

This course focuses on improving the performance and optimisation of user interfaces, using advanced techniques in modern frameworks. Students will learn how to create fast and efficient frontend application experiences through advanced practices.


  • Frontend performance and optimisation
  • Advanced React/Vue.js techniques
Advanced BackEnd

This course delves into the development of optimised backend services and the implementation of microservice architectures. Students will learn how to improve API performance and design scalable and modular systems for high-demand environments.


  • Optimisation of API's and Backend Services
  • Microservices architecture
Web application security

This course covers security best practices in web application development, with a focus on encryption techniques and prevention of common vulnerabilities. Students will learn how to harden their applications against attacks and protect sensitive data.


  • Security and encryption practices
  • Preventing vulnerabilities

An asynchronous module in which time will be provided to prepare for and take the certification exams included in the program. IMMUNE, in this case, acts as a facilitator in connecting the certifying entity and the student, easing the process but without having authority over the exam or the grades obtained by the students.

Capstone Project
  • Team building.
  • Choice of topic for final project.
  • Assignment of tutors.
  • Development of the project with an assigned tutor.
  • Project delivery.
Capstone Project Presentation

Presentation of the final project before a panel of experts.

*The academic program may be subject to changes in line with the changing demand for specific skills in the market. Your employability is our goal.

We rub shoulders with the best

Luis Palacios

Luis Palacios

Web Full Stack Developer Program Director | Founder

Victor Deutsch

Victor Deutsch

Programming Area Director : CEB Director

Ricardo Palacios Maya

Ricardo Palacios Maya

Head of Blockchain

Certification training

Con este programa adquirirás las competencias necesarias para trabajar en un entorno profesional. Para que puedas demostrarlo, IMMUNE te prepara para certificarte en:

IT Specialist HTML CSSIT Specialist JavaScriptCommunication Skills fot BusinessPMI Project Management Ready
ElizaCareer opportunities

Web Developer | Front-end or Back-end Programmer | Version Control Specialist | Agile Project Coordinator | Software Development Support Technician | Fullstack Developer | Advanced Front-End Developer | Back-End Developer | Software Engineer | DevOps Specialist | Database Administrator | Web Technologies Consultant | Entrepreneur in the technological sector


IT Specialist

HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Communication Skills for Business

PMI Project Management Ready™


IMMUNE Technology Institute

Master in Full Stack Software Development

Academic information

The Advanced Master in Fullstack Software Development is designed to provide high-level training in full stack web software development. This program focuses on advanced mastery of Front End, Middleware, Back End and deployment tools, as well as web application development. Students will learn about object-oriented programming, design patterns, software architecture, container orchestration. In addition, the programme includes a Capstone project, where students will apply what they have learned in a real project.

Program aims
  • Provide comprehensive training in FrontEnd, Middleware and BackEnd web development.
  • Teach the advanced use of modern tools and technologies such as React, Node.js, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.
  • To train students in the deployment of web applications in local and cloud environments.
  • To prepare students for the job market and entrepreneurship in the field of web development.
  • Assess and certify the knowledge acquired through exams and a Capstone project.
Career Readiness

The comprehensive training we deliver to our students thoroughly prepares them for the employment market. Through a personalized syllabus, we help them develop professional skills, establish relationships with companies and sail through recruitment processes.

An alternative training

In all our content, we include a percentage of Human Sciences to connect technology with soft skills.

Learning By Doing Methodology

It focuses on the practical application of knowledge and skills to foster meaningful and lasting learning.

Learning paths

With IDEIA, we design customized learning paths, tailored to your experience and goals. This ensures efficient progress, focused on what you truly need.

Nuestros learning paths te guían desde el nivel básico hasta convertirte en experto en tu área de interés. Son itinerarios estructurados y flexibles, ajustados a tu ritmo, para que alcances tu máximo potencial personal y profesional.

Learning paths
Admission test

This questionnaire will allow us to get to know your profile in depth and ensure that this course is perfectly suited to your level of knowledge and expectations, guaranteeing that you get the most out of our program.

Why should you take the test?
  • To assess your prior knowledge.
  • To ensure that this course is the right fit for you.
  • To offer you a personalized and unique learning experience.
How does it work?

The test is completely online, requires no prior preparation, and will take no more than 25 minutes.

Take the test


IMMUNE financing

Full payment

Si realizas el pago en una sola cuota te beneficiarás de un porcentaje de descuento.

External financing



Pay in installments, even if you are unemployed and cannot guarantee the loan.



Pay in installments, even if you are unemployed and cannot guarantee the loan.



Pay for your training through the Spanish Employment Training Foundation. Aimed at active workers who wish to finance their program through the subsidized training program.

What certification or qualification will I receive on completion of the course?

Una vez finalices y superes el programa recibirás un título emitido por IMMUNE Technology Institute en formato digital verificable mediante tecnología blockchain.

This program is for you if

Do you want to level up?

Do you want to stay in your field or sector, but you want to continue learning and explore new challenges? It's time to give your professional profile a boost and align it with the latest trends in technology.

Are you finishing your degree, and you want an upgrade in technology?

We love your profile, because you dare to dream. And in the professional world, fortune favors the bold. If you are an entrepreneur or freelancer, this program will help take your professional projects to the next level.

Want to change your professional career?

If you want your career to take a new direction and enter the world of tech with a bang, the program will help you specialize and shape your professional profile.

Are you an entrepreneur or freelancer?

This program will put you in the spotlight, as technology is the engine of innovation and the key to staying competitive in a constantly evolving market.

What are the admission requirements?

It is not necessary to demonstrate any prior training for admission, only to go through the admission process consisting of an evaluation of your resume and a personal interview with our admissions team.

Will the tools I need be included in the price of the program?

The tools used throughout the program are licensed for free use, in some cases because we use educational licenses and in others because it is free software.

Is there a careers and employment guidance service?

We have an employability area which, through our Talent Hub program, is responsible for supporting the efforts of our students to enter the employment market. The services we offer include resources to help you search for and prepare for interviews, English tests, resume and/or Linkedin profile guidance, interview and elevator pitch training, and access to our exclusive internship and employment pool.

What are the requirements for my computer?

You will need to have access to a laptop with a camera, microphone and minimum requirements of 8 GB of RAM and an i5 processor.

What is the Capstone Project?

The final project is where everything you have learned throughout the program is applied and consolidated. You will present the project to a panel of professionals from companies in the sector, which represents a unique opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge to potential employers and also to network.

Can the course be delivered online?

Yes, the program is delivered online with live classes. As such, you will be in direct contact and under the supervision of the teachers, which will enable you to follow the classes and interact in a flexible and natural way.

Are there grants or scholarships available?

Yes, there are scholarships or study grants as well as financing options depending on students’ circumstances. Check out our scholarship and financing options.

Admissions Process

Our students are characterized by their passion for technology. Our admissions process focuses on who you are, how you think, what you have accomplished, and then sharing your goals.

Our aim is to get to know you better, see what makes you unique and ensure that the IMMUNE educational model adapts to your profile.

1. Application
2. Personal interview
3. Academic committee
4. Enrollment
Request informationStudy planCertificationsAcademic informationFinancingFAQs

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  • Orientación personalizada de lunes a viernes.
  • Convocatoria abierta para marzo, septiembre y octubre.

Diseñado para replicar un ecosistema de startups y empresas tecnológicas, hemos creado un oasis de Silicon Valley en el corazón de Madrid.

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