Cloud Architecture & Devops Management Master

Live online classes

Octubre 2025

21 months

Free access to complementary training:

  • Generative AI Course: Prompt Engineering and Productivity
  • Introductory programming course: Python

Te preparamos para certificarte en

Microsoft Certified ExpertAWS Certified Solutions Architect ProfessionalGoogle Cloud Certified Cloud Architect


Presentation of the curriculum, work tools, program operation and presentation of the group.

Study plan



Presentation of the curriculum, work tools, program operation and presentation of the group.



The aim of this module is to provide students with analytical thinking for situations where any process can be automated, saving resources and time through tools such as PowerShell. This content is essential for effective cloud administration and DevOps implementation.

  • Automation with PowerShell
  • Introduction to the Command Terminal
  • Introduction to Scripting
Multicloud Administrator Specialist
Azure Cloud Administrator


The objective of this module is to provide students with a solid knowledge of Cloud Resource Procurement and Administration. It is geared toward the Microsoft Azure Cloud Administrator AZ-104 certification.

  1. Computing in Azure:
    • Introduction to the IaaS Model
    • Virtual Machines
    • Instance Sizes and Types
    • Extensions
    • Configuration
    • Virtual Machine Scale Set
    • Images gallery
  2. Storage in Azure:
    • Introduction to Storage
    • Storage Account Types
    • Storage Types
    • Replication
    • Security
  3. Networking and Hybrid Interconnections:
    • Introduction to Networking Services
    • TCP/IP Addressing
    • Network Components
    • Virtual Networks
    • Network Security Groups
    • Intersite Connections and ExpressRoute
    • Load Balancers
  4. Web Services and Cloud Native APIs:
    • Introduction to Web Services in Azure
    • Web Components
    • SPA in Storage Accounts
    • Azure Functions
    • API Management
  5. Databases in Azure:
    • Introduction to Databases in Azure
    • SQL/NoSQL Services and Data Warehouse
  6. Site Resilience:
    • Backup in IaaS Services
    • Backup in PaaS Services
    • Disaster Recovery
  7. Security and Authentication:
    • Identity and Access Management
    • Microsoft Login ID
    • ADDS IaaS and PaaS
  8. Enhanced Solutions:
    • DNS
    • CDN
    • Cognitive Services (AI)
    • Internet of Things (IoT)
AWS Associate Cloud Architect


This module delivers the skills and knowledge required to design secure and robust solutions using AWS technologies.

  1. Storage and Compute:
    • Introduction to AWS
    • Simple Storage Service (S3)
    • Other Storage Services
    • Compute in AWS
  2. Databases:
    • SQL and NoSQL Databases
  3. Creating RDS:
    • NoSQL Databases
  4. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC):
    • Virtual Private Cloud
  5. Security and IAM (Identity and Access Management):
    • Authentication and Authorization in AWS
    • Multilayer Security
    • Managing Multiple Accounts and Users
  6. Scaling, High Availability, and Automation:
    • Monitoring
    • Scaling
    • DNS and Route 53
    • Auto Scaling
    • Automation
  7. Content Delivery Networks (CDN):
    • Perimeter Infrastructure Fundamentals
    • Protection
    • DNS Management
  8. Serverless Development
    • Introduction to Event-Driven Architecture
    • Introduction to Containers
    • Lambda Functions
    • API Gateway
    • Simple Queue Service (SQS)
    • Simple Notification Service (SNS)
    • Amazon MQ
    • EventBridge
  9. Disaster Recovery (Certification Preparation):
    • Disaster Planning
    • Certification Preparation
Google Cloud Engineer Associate


The Google Cloud Engineer Associate module aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to design, implement, and manage solutions on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This module is designed to prepare students for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer certification, ensuring they can use GCP tools and services to solve business problems, optimize resources, and secure cloud infrastructure.

  1. Introduction to Google Cloud:
    • Google Cloud Global Infrastructure
    • Deployment Best Practices in GCP
  2. Compute Engine:
    • Configuration and Management of Virtual Machines (VM)
    • VM Scalability
    • Logging and Monitoring
  3. Kubernetes/GKE and Cloud Run:
    • Introduction to Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
    • Application Deployment and Management with Cloud Run
  4. IAM (Identity and Access Management):
    • IAM Concepts and Configuration in Google Cloud
    • Security Policies and Identity Management
  5. Networking and Load Balancing:
    • Introduction to Networking in GCP
    • Configuration and Management of Load Balancers
  6. App Engine and API Management:
    • Deployment and Management of Applications in App Engine
    • API Management in Google Cloud
  7. Cloud Functions:
    • Introduction to Cloud Functions
    • Implementation of Serverless Functions
    • Designing Event-Driven Architectures
  8. Storage:
    • Storage Services in Google Cloud
    • Cloud Storage and its Management
  9. Databases:
    • Introduction to Databases in GCP
    • Configuration and Management of SQL and NoSQL Databases
DevOps Engineer


The aim of this module is for students to acquire transversal knowledge, from basic to advanced level, of containerization and automated delivery of solutions.

  1. Introduction to DevOps:
    • Introduction to the DevOps Philosophy
    • Azure DevOps Platform
  2. Version Control:
    • Introduction to Git
    • Branching Strategies
  3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery:
    • Pipelines
    • Pull Requests (PR)
    • Continuous Integration (CI)
    • Continuous Delivery (CD)
  4. Containers:
    • Docker
    • Azure Container Registry
    • Azure Container Instances
  5. Introduction to Infrastructure as Code:
    • Definition of IaC (Infrastructure as Code)
    • Pros and Cons.
    • Azure and GCP Service Principal Preparation
  6. Service Account:
    • ARM templates
    • Bicep templates.
    • AWS CloudFormation templates
    • GCP Deployment Manager templates
    • Debate Pros and Cons.
  7. Container Orchestration:
    • Docker Compose
    • JSON Server
    • Introduction to Kubernetes
  8. Management of Deployments:
    • Types of Deployments
    • Release Management


An asynchronous module in which time will be provided to prepare for and take the certification exams included in the program. IMMUNE, in this case, acts as a facilitator in connecting the certifying entity and the student, easing the process but without having authority over the exam or the grades obtained by the students.

Multicloud Architect
Azure Cloud Architect

This module covers the design of high availability and disaster recovery strategies, including solutions for backup, data storage for both relational and non-relational databases, and data integration. It also explores design practices in Azure for applications and networks, as well as monitoring and governance. It is geared towards the Microsoft Azure Cloud Architect AZ-305 certification.

  1. Essential Knowledge of Azure
  2. Designing Identity, Governance, and Monitoring Solutions:
    • Logging and Monitoring Solutions
    • Authentication and Authorization
    • Governance in Azure
  3. Designing Data Storage Solutions:
    • Relational Data Storage
    • Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data Storage
    • Data Integration
  4. Designing Business Continuity Solutions:
    • Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions
    • High Availability
  5. Designing Infrastructure Solutions:
    • Computing Solutions
    • Application Architecture
    • Migrations
  6. Designing Networking Solutions:
    • Connectivity of Azure Resources to the Internet
    • Connectivity of Azure Resources to On-Premises Networks
    • Network Performance Optimization
    • Network Security Optimization
    • Load Balancing and Routing
AWS Professional Cloud Architect

This module focuses on designing and managing solutions in Amazon Web Services, with an emphasis on security, regulatory compliance, and the optimization of technical and business processes.

  1. Migration of Solutions:
    • Migration Hub
    • AWS DataSync
    • Transfer Family
    • Snow Family
    • S3 Transfer Acceleration
    • AWS app Migration Service
    • AWS Database Migration Service
    • AWS Schema Conversion Tool
  2. Designing Reliable Architectures:
    • Replications in S3, RDS, ElastiCache
    • Application Integration with SNS, SQS, and AWS Step Functions
  3. Designing Network Connectivity Strategies:
    • VPCs
    • VPN
    • Direct Connect
    • DNS
    • CloudWatch Monitoring
  4. Designing Reliable and Resilient Architectures:
    • Disaster Recovery
    • Backup
  5. Security Controls
    • IAM, Security Groups, and Network ACLs
    • KMS, Certificate Manager, CloudTrail
  6. Security Hub:
    • Amazon Inspector, Secret Mansger, Systems Manager
  7. New Architectures:
    • EKS, Fargate, ECR
    • S3, SAI
    • DynamoDB, Aurora Serverless
    • ElastiCache
    • EventDrigde
    • Lambda
  8. Cost Optimization Strategies and Visibility:
    • AWS Trsted Advistor, Price Calculator, Cost Explorere
    • AWS Compute Optimizer, S3 storage Lens, Budgets
  9. Designing AWS Multi-Account Environments:
    • AWS Organisations, AWS Control Tower, Notifications
Google Cloud Professional Architect

This module focuses on designing and managing solutions in Google Cloud Platform, with an emphasis on security, regulatory compliance, and the optimization of technical and business processes.

  1. Designing for Security and Regulatory Compliance:
    • Identity and Access Management
    • Service Accounts
    • Key Management Service
    • VPC Service Countrol
    • Organisational Policies
  2. Designing and Planning IaaS Architecture for Cloud Solutions:
    • Designing Networking Solutions
    • Designing Process Solutions
    • Data Storage
    • Migrations to GCP
  3. Managing Serverless Architecture Deployments in GCP:
    • Designing Serverless Solutions
    • Designing APIs
    • Databases
  4. Ensuring the Reliability of Solutions and Operations:
    • Integrated Monitoring and Alerting Creation
  5. Analyzing and Optimizing Technical and Business Processes:
    • Software Development Lifecycle
  6. Big Data and ETL in the Enterprise:
    • Data Ingestion and Transformation Architectures
Enterprise Project Management

This module provides a comprehensive understanding of agile methodologies, including Scrum and other agile approaches, distinguishing them from traditional methodologies and discussing their applications, challenges, and metrics.

  1. What are Agile Methodologies?
    • Industrial Heritage
    • The Technological Revolution
    • Agilism and Agile Principles
    • Derivatives of Agile Principles
    • Traditional Projects vs. Agile Projects
    • Challenges of Agile Methodologies
  2. Introduction to Scrum:
    • Scrum in an Image
    • Roles and Responsibilities
    • The Product Owner
    • The Team
    • The Scrum Master
    • Minor Roles
    • Problems We May Encounter
  3. Scrum Artifacts:
    • User Stories
    • The Product Backlog
    • The Sprint Backlog
    • The Impediments Backlog
    • The Definition of Done
  4. Phases of a Scrum project:
    • The Inception Phase
    • The week before each Sprint
    • The Sprint
    • The last day of the Sprint
    • The first day of the next Sprint
    • Meetings, meetings and meetings
  5. Scrum metrics and measures:
    • Points for History
    • Speed per Sprint
    • What can we deduce from the speed of a Scrum team?
    • Other important Srum metrics
  6. Estimation of agile projects:
    • How do we calculate the scope?
    • How do we calculate time?
    • How do we calculate the cost?
  7. Scaling Agile projects:
    • The T-Shape approach
    • Cells and reproduction by mitosis of the equipment
    • Other organisational models and scaling
  8. Criticisms of Agile and Final Summary
DevOps Sr. Engineer

Explore the design, implementation, and orchestration of container-based architectures, using Kubernetes, AKS, and orchestration tools to update and maintain containerised applications.

  1. Design of container-based solutions:
    • Container Instance
    • Azure Kubernetes Services
  2. Implementation of Microservices architectures with containers:
    • Communication patterns (API gateway, Service Registry, Service Discovery)
    • Resilience patterns (Circuit Breaker, Retry, Timeout)
  3. Orchestration of container-based application releases:
    • Rolling updates and rollbacks
    • Kubernetes Deployments (canary, blue/green, a/b testing)
  4. Monitoring:
    • Prometheus and Grafana
  5. Service Mesh:
    • Networking
    • Istio
Infrastructure as Code (IaC)


This module focuses on using Terraform to implement infrastructure as code, covering multi-cloud strategies and automated governance for scalable solutions.

  • What is Terraform and how does it work?
  • Pros, Cons, How it works. VScode, download, SP (Azure) and SA (GCP) creation.
  • Documentation Site, Providers and Commands. Scaffolding. Global variables. Local variables. TFVars. Resources. Datasources
  • TFState. Remote backend. Storageaccount. GCS bucket. Auth, config and operation
  • Infrastructure as multi-cloud code
  • Provisioning of infrastructure in Azure and Google. Implicit and explicit dependencies.
  • AZDO vars. TF in GIt. Pipelines with TF. Vars replacement. Workspaces and Environments
  • Modules and good practices when defining them. Output vars. State Management. Unlock.
  • Automation and Scalability
  • TF Unit Tests. Validate. Shift Left pipelines. Var workspace - Conditionals and loops
  • Good practice in template definition
  • Security: State, Credentials. Hashicorp vault.
Pipelines and Release Management

Develops competencies in the implementation of continuous delivery solutions, including continuous integration and deployment, with a focus on early testing and release management with feature flags.

  1. Strategies for Solution Delivery (CI/CD) as Code:
    • YML pipelines, Stages, Jobs, Tasks, Vars and Params
    • Conditions, Expressions, Templates, Triggers, Strategies, Parallelization
    • YML lifecycles
    • Traceability, Auto-Tagging, Versioning, Mono-Repo Designs
  2. Design and implementation of downtime-free deployments:
    • Blue/Green from Release/CD
    • Canary deployment
    • Parallelisation of traffic
  3. Implementation of controls and validations on the left:
    • Shift-Left-Testing
    • UT
    • AT FE/UI
    • AT API Testing
  4. Release management with Feature Flagging:
    • Deploy vs Release
    • Trunk based development & Feature flagging
Innovation and Business Vision

This module examines the crucial role of data in organisations, exploring data lakes, real-time and batch data processing, and the use of analytics and machine learning to extract business insights.

  1. Data in Business
    • The importance of data in the business world
  2. Business Data Lakes
    • What is a data lake?
  3. Enterprise Data Lake Processing
    • Data lakes and their relationship to business
  4. Real-life case studies
    • Business use cases for analytics


An asynchronous module in which time will be provided to prepare for and take the certification exams included in the program. IMMUNE, in this case, acts as a facilitator in connecting the certifying entity and the student, easing the process but without having authority over the exam or the grades obtained by the students.

Capstone Project


  • Team building.
  • Choice of topic for final project.
  • Assignment of tutors.
  • Development of the project with an assigned tutor.
  • Project delivery.
Presentation of the Capstone Project


Presentation of the final project before a panel of experts.

*The academic program may be subject to changes in line with the changing demand for specific skills in the market. Your employability is our goal.

We rub shoulders with the best

Rodrigo Moro

Rodrigo Moro

Master's in Cloud Architecture & Devops Management Director | Tech. Arch. Delivery Manager

Alfredo Barroso

Alfredo Barroso


Andrés Gallego Aparicio

Andrés Gallego Aparicio

Senior Web Application Developer

Arnau Senserrich

Arnau Senserrich

Customer Reliability Engineer

Luis Polanco Ramirez

Luis Polanco Ramirez

Head of AI, Global IT

Ramón Abad Carazo

Ramón Abad Carazo

Software Engineering Associate Manager

Certification training

At the end of the full programme, you will be able to choose between becoming certified in:

Microsoft Certified ExpertAWS Certified Solutions Architect ProfessionalGoogle Cloud Certified Cloud Architect

At the end of the first part of the programme, you have the possibility to choose between one of these certifications:

Microsoft Certified AssociateAWS Certified Solutions Architect AssociateGoogle Cloud Certified Cloud Engineer

And these official certifications are free of charge:

IT Specialist Cloud ComputingMicrosoft Certified Fundamentals
ElizaCareer opportunities

Cloud Architect | DevOps Engineer | Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) | IT Project Manager | Cloud Consultant | Data Engineer | Infrastructure Engineer | Innovation Engineer | Innovation Manager | Security Engineer | DevOps Engineer | Automation Engineer

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Certified

AZ-900, DP-990 and AZ-305


AWS certified

Solutions Architect

Google Cloud

Google Cloud certified

Professional Cloud Engineer and Architect


IT Specialist

Cloud Computing


IMMUNE Technology Institute

Master in Cloud Architecture & Devops Management

Academic information

You'll start from scratch, but you won't stop there. You'll dive into essential concepts such as automation, virtual infrastructure and how to code, networking, security, web services and containers. But that's not all, you'll challenge yourself, expanding your horizons and mastering skills in PowerShell, virtual machines, storage and resiliency, among other key services from the 3 largest and leading clouds in the industry: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud.

This programme will provide you with the tools and skills you need to excel in the ever-evolving technological world. It will prepare you to face and overcome the most complex challenges in Cloud Computing.

At the end of this journey, you will not only have acquired in-depth knowledge, but you will also have experienced a significant professional evolution. You will go from being a beginner to an advanced level, ready to face any challenge that the technological world may present you with.

Program aims
  • Cloud Administration: Learn how to manage and configure cloud resources, including virtual machines, storage, networking, site-to-site connections, load balancers, containers, web services, IoT and Artificial Intelligence in Azure, AWS and GCP.
  • Cloud architecture: Understand the fundamentals of cloud architecture, including private, public and hybrid cloud, and how to design scalable and secure solutions. Apply security in a robust and professional manner. Have control and governance of cloud resources and establish a strategic vision of enterprise solutions as well as the company itself.
  • DevOps: Develop skills in implementing DevOps practices, using tools such as Azure DevOps, Git, ARM and IaC with Terraform. Be able to implement fully automated product lifecycles and development where solutions go to the cloud with a well-scaled and automatically operated infrastructure.
  • Automation: Master the automation of processes with PowerShell, including scripting, cmdlets, modules and use of control structures and loops. Be able to automate any process or frequent task in the Cloud or in any process or tool in our IT system. Reduce human failure, increase confidence and reduce costs.
  • Security and authentication: Learn how to secure cloud solutions using security groups, IAM, Azure Active Directory and other authentication services. Understand RBAC (Role Base Access Control) and governance applied to the cloud and our business.
  • Training in emerging technologies: Acquire knowledge in areas such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and serverless architectures capable of scaling according to market needs, keeping costs low to increase the profitability of our product.
Professional skills
  • Cloud Architect: Design and manage enterprise cloud solution architectures, ensuring scalability, security and efficiency.
  • DevOps Engineer: Implement and manage development and operations processes, improving continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) in cloud environments.
  • Site Reliability Engineer (SRE): Ensure the reliability and availability of cloud applications and services, using software engineering and operations principles.
  • IT Project Manager: Manage complex technological projects, applying agile methodologies and coordinating development and operations teams.
  • Cloud Consultant: Advising companies on the adoption and optimisation of cloud solutions, helping them to improve their infrastructure and processes.
  • Data Engineer: Design, build and manage data processing and storage systems, including data lakes and analytical solutions.
  • Infrastructure Engineer: Manage and optimise IT infrastructure in the cloud, ensuring efficiency and security of resources.
  • Innovation Manager: Driving technological innovation within the company, applying digital transformation strategies and data analysis.
  • Security Engineer: Specialise in information security in cloud environments, managing data protection and the implementation of security policies.
  • DevOps Engineer: Responsible for designing, implementing and managing DevOps practices to improve collaboration between development and operations teams and streamline software release cycles.
  • Automation Engineer: Develops and maintains automation scripts and tools to streamline and optimise processes in cloud infrastructure and operations.
Career Readiness

The comprehensive training we deliver to our students thoroughly prepares them for the employment market. Through a personalized syllabus, we help them develop professional skills, establish relationships with companies and sail through recruitment processes.

An alternative training

In all our content, we include a percentage of Human Sciences to connect technology with soft skills.

Learning By Doing Methodology

It focuses on the practical application of knowledge and skills to foster meaningful and lasting learning.

Learning paths

With IDEIA, we design customized learning paths, tailored to your experience and goals. This ensures efficient progress, focused on what you truly need.

Nuestros learning paths te guían desde el nivel básico hasta convertirte en experto en tu área de interés. Son itinerarios estructurados y flexibles, ajustados a tu ritmo, para que alcances tu máximo potencial personal y profesional.

Learning paths
Admission test

This questionnaire will allow us to get to know your profile in depth and ensure that this course is perfectly suited to your level of knowledge and expectations, guaranteeing that you get the most out of our program.

Why should you take the test?
  • To assess your prior knowledge.
  • To ensure that this course is the right fit for you.
  • To offer you a personalized and unique learning experience.
How does it work?

The test is completely online, requires no prior preparation, and will take no more than 25 minutes.

Take the test


IMMUNE financing

Full payment

Si realizas el pago en una sola cuota te beneficiarás de un porcentaje de descuento.

18 Interest-free instalments

External financing



Pay in installments, even if you are unemployed and cannot guarantee the loan.



Pay in installments, even if you are unemployed and cannot guarantee the loan.



Pay for your training through the Spanish Employment Training Foundation. Aimed at active workers who wish to finance their program through the subsidized training program.

What certification or qualification will I receive on completion of the course?

Una vez finalices y superes el programa recibirás un título emitido por IMMUNE Technology Institute en formato digital verificable mediante tecnología blockchain.

This program is for you if

Do you want to level up?

Do you want to stay in your field or sector, but you want to continue learning and explore new challenges? It's time to give your professional profile a boost and align it with the latest trends in technology.

Are you finishing your degree, and you want an upgrade in technology?

We love your profile, because you dare to dream. And in the professional world, fortune favors the bold. If you are an entrepreneur or freelancer, this program will help take your professional projects to the next level.

Want to change your professional career?

If you want your career to take a new direction and enter the world of tech with a bang, the program will help you specialize and shape your professional profile.

Are you an entrepreneur or freelancer?

This program will put you in the spotlight, as technology is the engine of innovation and the key to staying competitive in a constantly evolving market.

What are the admission requirements?

It is not necessary to demonstrate any prior training for admission, only to go through the admission process consisting of an evaluation of your resume and a personal interview with our admissions team.

Will the tools I need be included in the price of the program?

The tools used throughout the program are licensed for free use, in some cases because we use educational licenses and in others because it is free software.

Is there a careers and employment guidance service?

We have an employability area which, through our Talent Hub program, is responsible for supporting the efforts of our students to enter the employment market. The services we offer include resources to help you search for and prepare for interviews, English tests, resume and/or Linkedin profile guidance, interview and elevator pitch training, and access to our exclusive internship and employment pool.

What are the requirements for my computer?

You will need to have access to a laptop with a camera, microphone and minimum requirements of 8 GB of RAM and an i5 processor.

What is the Capstone Project?

The final project is where everything you have learned throughout the program is applied and consolidated. You will present the project to a panel of professionals from companies in the sector, which represents a unique opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge to potential employers and also to network.

Can the course be delivered online?

Yes, the program is delivered online with live classes. As such, you will be in direct contact and under the supervision of the teachers, which will enable you to follow the classes and interact in a flexible and natural way.

Are there grants or scholarships available?

Yes, there are scholarships or study grants as well as financing options depending on students’ circumstances. Check out our scholarship and financing options.

Admissions Process

Our students are characterized by their passion for technology. Our admissions process focuses on who you are, how you think, what you have accomplished, and then sharing your goals.

Our aim is to get to know you better, see what makes you unique and ensure that the IMMUNE educational model adapts to your profile.

1. Application
2. Personal interview
3. Academic committee
4. Enrollment
Request informationStudy planCertificationsAcademic informationFinancingFAQs

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  • Orientación personalizada de lunes a viernes.
  • Convocatoria abierta para marzo, septiembre y octubre.

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