7 examples of the use of artificial intelligence in our daily lives

5 August 2024
Ángel Galán
Ángel Galán

Data Science & AI Area Director | Cloud Data Analytics Director

Artículo actualizado en enero de 2025. 

2024: El Auge de los Modelos Generativos

En 2024 todo el mundo se sorprendió, y maravilló con los modelos generativos de la Inteligencia Artificial. Aplicaciones como ChatGPT generaron una ola de atención sin precedentes desde su lanzamiento en noviembre de 2022. En tan solo dos meses, alcanzó 100 millones de usuarios, siendo la aplicación de mayor crecimiento en la historia moderna, superando a TikTok y a Instagram. Mientras, herramientas como DALL-E, Gemini y Midjourney nos mostraron impresionantes avances en la creación de contenido visual y textual, dando la impresión de que nos acercábamos a la "Inteligencia Artificial General" que estábamos familiarizados a ver en películas.

Sin embargo, el entusiasmo inicial ha ido dando paso a una etapa más realista. Las "alucinaciones" de los modelos—respuestas incorrectas o incoherentes—evidenciaron sus limitaciones. Tanto es así que Gemini, pese a las altas expectativas, tuvo errores evidentes que hicieron tambalear las acciones de Alphabet en sus presentaciones.

Esta tecnología ha creado una burbuja de expectativas y, en muchos casos, de frustraciones. Sin embargo, también ha demostrado capacidades asombrosas que seguirán evolucionando. En los próximos años veremos cómo estos modelos se vuelven más complejos, integrándose en nuestros dispositivos móviles, dejando atrás su uso a través de plataformas web para estar incorporadas en nuestras aplicaciones de uso diario.

Tal y como expresaba la Ley de Amara, parece que hemos sobreestimado las capacidades de la IA Generativa a corto plazo, pero aún nos queda por descubrir cuál es el impacto que estamos infravalorando a largo plazo.

2025: La aparición de los Agentes de IA

Durante el año que acaba de empezar, nos va a empezar a resultar familiar un nuevo concepto: los agentes IA. A diferencia de los modelos generativos, estos agentes no solo responden, sino que planifican, toman decisiones y son capaces de ejecutar tareas de manera autónoma. Este mes de diciembre OpenAI ha presentado Operator Agent y Google ha hecho lo propio con Jules y Project Mariner. Estos primeros agentes IA prometen ofrecer capacidades prácticas y avanzadas. Marcando el inicio de un proceso de innovación tecnológica fuera del foco mediático, sin ruido, pero con un enorme impacto en el futuro de la empresa y el mercado laboral.

Este fenómeno forma parte de la llamada hiperautomatización, un término popularizado por Gartner, que describe el uso combinado de tecnologías avanzadas para automatizar tareas más allá de las capacidades humanas. Los agentes IA forman parte de una revolución silenciosa, que sienta las bases de un futuro donde la inteligencia artificial no solo sea útil, sino indispensable.

Inicialmente, los agentes de IA actuarán como ayudantes para empleados, lo que Microsoft denomina copiloto. Gestionando correos electrónicos, informes y otras tareas repetitivas. Paulatinamente se irán integrando con nuevas aplicaciones en los sistemas de las compañías, donde los procesos son más controlados y no requieren las implicaciones de una IA generativa. Con el tiempo, asumirán roles más complejos, ejecutando flujos de trabajo completos y colaborando con sistemas, personas y otros agentes. Cada vez irán requiriendo una menor intervención humana hasta alcanzar la plena autonomía, asumiendo tareas más complejas, y transformando profundamente la manera en que trabajamos. Finalmente, los reconoceremos como "empleados digitales". 

Un futuro prometedor y complejo

En 2025, continuarán las enormes inversiones de desarrollo sobre los actuales modelos fundacionales, que serán cada vez más potentes, pero también más costosos y complicados de mantener. Sus funcionalidades crecerán al ritmo de las enormes inversiones, trayendo consigo impresionantes avances y nuevas frustraciones. Paralelamente, el impacto silencioso de la automatización transformará el mundo tal y como lo conocemos. 

En este nuevo escenario, las tareas tediosas y repetitivas dejarán de ser humanas. En principio, permitiendo que nos enfoquemos en actividades más creativas y estratégicas. Pero si algo nos enseña la Ley de Amara es que el futuro tecnológico rara vez se desarrolla como esperamos, y su impacto suele ser mucho más profundo de lo que imaginamos.

Artículo original publicado en agosto 2024. 

Perhaps when one reads this term, "artificial intelligence", one thinks of science fiction films and books. But you shouldn't. Artificial intelligence (AI) is part of reality as an additional element and is very useful in different sectors of work.

In fact, artificial intelligence already ranks as one of the most important main markets for investment in the stock market. And the fact is that 85% of European and US companies think that AI should be a priority in the development of their business. On the other hand, 35% of these same entities already use it directly or indirectly.

No wonder: the uses of AI or artificial intelligence are extremely varied. It is mainly used in research tasks.

Indeed, examples of artificial intelligence are many. Without going any further, renewable energies are one of its greatest beneficiaries. Although, lately, the health sector is one of the most sought-after professional fields.

Searching for population longevity, creating oncology applications or researching pandemics are just some of its fields of study. In fact, in this last area, the Fugaku supercomputer.

But if you were to ask yourself what artificial intelligence is, would you be clear how to answer?

Artificial intelligence: definition

Artificial intelligence or AI is a speciality within the field of research and computer science. By means of logical-mathematical mechanisms, orders are programmed to machines, with the aim of making them satisfy people's needs.

What AI is used for: 7 products with Artificial Intelligence

As already mentioned, the main applications of AI include research in all its forms. Science, R&D&I, innovation and the use of new technologies, which are applied to all kinds of situations. Also in everyday life.

Next, 7 examples of the use of artificial intelligence in our daily lives:

1. Voice assistants, the most loyal of companions

Siri, Alexa or Cortananames that some time ago would not have meant anything to us, but that today are part of everyday life in many homes.

The first personal assistants were created as early as 2003, but it is only in recent years that they have become fashionable. Or who doesn't ask their smart speaker for the weather? And the same goes for playing a song in the shower.

2. Smartphones: everything at your fingertips

Your smartphone is, without a doubt, synonymous with artificial intelligence. From using voice assistants such as those mentioned above, to taking selfies, to email. All of this works, based on AI.

In the case of e-mail, for example, the various services use artificial intelligence to identify spam messages, as well as e-mails with the possibility of viruses.

3. Robotics in everyday life: smart homes

In this list of 7 examples of the use of artificial intelligence in our daily lives, we cannot miss the so-called Smart houses.

Automation has arrived in the home. Kitchen robots, programmable showers with temperature and music, lights that turn on by themselves or rumbas. Not forgetting, of course, the popular Smart TVs, where you have access to the internet.

4. Social media monitoring

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning the famous social media algorithm. Both the notifications and the content you see are predisposed by artificial intelligence.

The user experience is key to making your navigation customised. This way, if you are offered the information you want, you will come back more often.

5. GPS and in-car geolocation systems

Firstly, AI is essential in the various navigation systems. For example, Google Maps warns you if there is a road blockage or the amount of traffic in real time.

It is also no longer unusual to have a car with an emergency button. This activates a geolocator and alerts the authorities in the event of an accident.

6. Shopping on the Internet: the case of E-commerce

In e-commerce, it is worth highlighting AI, when it comes to personalising your purchase. Featured products will appear, based on your tastes or searches.

7. Cybersecurity in the office

Finally, AI is used to improve the cybersecuritya fundamental aspect in your office. In fact, cyber-attacks are increasingly present in all types of companies, which is why this section also forms part of these 7 examples of the use of artificial intelligence in our daily lives.

And if you have thought about to pursue a career in artificial intelligenceAt IMMUNE we have very interesting information programmes. This is the case of Master in Artificial Intelligence & Data Sciencea training programme that prepares you to obtain the professional certifications of Data Engineer Associate of Databricks and the certification Associate of Microsoft Azure.

Also, don't miss out on the training and intensive specialisation which provides the Bootcamp en Data Analytics & IAand our one Online Master in Data Science with a special focus on business intelligence, data science, and Big Data. 

In education

Intelligent content creation: The digitisation of content such as video lectures, lectures and textbook guides can be done using Artificial Intelligence. We can apply different interfaces such as animations and learning content through personalisation for learners of different grades. Artificial Intelligence helps to create a rich learning experience by generating and providing audio and video summaries and lesson plans.

In Mobile App

Facial recognition: Our favourite devices, such as phones, laptops and PCs, use facial recognition techniques using facial filters to detect and identify in order to provide secure access. Apart from personal use, facial recognition is a widely used AI application even in areas related to high security in various industries.

In E-commerce

Recommendation system: Several platforms that we use in our daily lives, such as e-commerce, entertainment websites, social networks, video sharing platforms like YouTube, etc., use the recommendation system to obtain data from users and offer them personalised recommendations to increase their engagement. This is a widely used AI application in almost all sectors.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in agriculture

Artificial Intelligence is used to identify soil defects and nutrient deficiencies. Computer vision, robotics and machine learning applications are used for this. AI can analyse where weeds are growing. AI robots can help harvest crops at a higher volume and at a faster rate than human workers.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare

Artificial Intelligence finds diverse applications in the healthcare sector. AI applications are used in healthcare to build sophisticated machines capable of detecting diseases and identifying cancer cells. AI can help analyse chronic diseases with laboratory and other medical data to ensure early diagnosis. AI uses the combination of historical data and medical intelligence for drug discovery.

AI in data security

Data security, which is one of the most important assets of any technology-driven enterprise, is one of the most prevalent and critical applications of AI. With sensitive data ranging from consumer data (such as credit card information) to organisational secrets held online, data security is vital for any institution to meet both legal and operational obligations. This work is now as difficult as it is vital, with many companies deploying AI-based security solutions to keep their data out of the wrong hands.

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